FE Review Info Skip to main content

FE Review Info

The Fundamental of Engineering (FE) exam is the first step towards a Professional Engineering (PE) license. The FE exam is not required for graduation from BYU with a Civil Engineering degree, but it is encouraged. Once you have finished your junior core classes, you can register for a 1 credit FE Prep course offered by the department (CE 498R – FE Prep) which is taught each fall and winter semester.

As part of the FE Prep class, you are required to sit for the FE exam before the end of the semester. To register for the FE exam, create/log-in to your MyNCEES account, select the REGISTER button, and follow the onscreen instructions. https://ncees.org/engineering/fe/

Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Civil CBT Exam Specifications (pdf)