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Leading Researchers, BYU students and Professors perform research on Utah Lake

Check this video of what the team is working on:

A BYU team led by Dr. Gustavious Williams and Dr. Woodruff Miller and a number of other researchers including Dr. David Richards leading ecological studies; Rushforth Phycology leading algal taxonomy and ecology; River Continuum Concepts leading taxonomic work on zooplankton and benthic invertebrates of Utah Lake; and Blake Wellard leading native aquatic plants studies is working with TSSD and Jacobs Engineering is performing field research and studies to 1) better understand nutrient cycling in Utah Lake and 2) evaluate the performance of treatments that have the potential to offer long-term solutions to reduce the intensity, duration, and frequency of future harmful algal blooms in Utah Lake. The BYU team includes both graduate and undergraduate students that assist in field sampling, other required field work, laboratory analysis, and communication and publication.

BYU students helped assemble and place the limnocorrals, then spent the summer taking water samples, operating field probes, and using drones to collect remote sensing data. The student teams were on the lake from 3 to 4 times a week all summer. In addition, the students were trained in analytical chemistry methods and performed sample analysis at the TSSD analytical laboratory, the BYU Environmental Analytical Laboratory, the Geochemistry Laboratory in the Geology Department, and the Environmental Laboratory in the Civil and Construction Management Department.

While the study only started this year, we have two student-led poster publications that were presented at the Annual AWWA Intermountain conference.