Symposium celebrates 50 years of the Safe Drinking Water Act Skip to main content

Symposium celebrates 50 years of the Safe Drinking Water Act

On March 7, 2024, Civil and Construction Engineering hosted the Safe Drinking Water Symposium to mark the golden anniversary of the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. Passed in 1974, the act has been a pillar of water engineering, utility management, public health, and environmental law for 50 years.

The program included faculty and industry speakers, student posters, and lab tours. CCE assistant professor Rob Sowby organized the event and has written about how the act can be a policy model for other grand challenges.

CCE student Annelise Capener won the poster award for "Best Research Application" with her study of how remote sensing can support analysis of urban irrigation, and CCE student Easton Perkins won the poster award for "Most Creative Project" with his study of how lava rocks incorporated into landscapes can treat phosphorus pollution in stormwater.